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Osseous reconstruction/rebuilding

When teeth are lost, in many cases the jawbone shrinks in the affected region because of the missing strain from above and from the sides. Essential conditions for the implantation are a sufficient bone quality and the ability of the body to handle normal wound healing. In the case of far advanced degeneration of the jawbone we can build up new bone to create a solid foundation for one or several implants. There are various alternatives in terms of material and technology.

Minor deficits can be compensated with osseous substitute materials. These should promote the absorption of new tissue. In the case of major defects the patient‘s own bone is the best choice to create new volume. Our clinical equipment, together with the possibility of admission to hospital, enables us to take endogenous tissues from the area of the jaw or the pelvis. A stable implant base will be formed after the healing of the tissue.

Before the jawbone is reconstructed an exact analysis of the available bone is carried out with a three-dimensional x-ray examination. Therefore, we can plan precisely where bone needs to be built up and how much bone tissue needs to be taken from other areas.

Because the bone also supports the gums, quality and quantity of the bone is essential for attractive aesthetics.